Inglese per Informatica - modulo 3 di V

Ambiti lessicali: artificial intelligence and robots; technology

Testi e materiali multimediali:
 Reading comprehension “Robots”
 BBC video “How it feels to meet Sophia, a machine with a human face” (script)
 AI: a definition
 Articles, adapted from “The Independent”; “”; “BBC”; “The Guardian”, siti
di aziende che sviluppano AI.
o Yamaha Artificial Intelligence (AI) Transforms a Dancer into a Pianist.
o The Benefits / Challenges of Using Artificial Intelligence for Emergency Management
o “Killer robots” will start slaughtering people if they’re not banned soon, AI expert warns.
o AI is highly likely to destroy humans, Elon Musk warns
o Meet the first-ever robot citizen – a humanoid named Sophia
o Spotting cancer, stopping shootings, how AI protects us.
o Household robots: more than just expensive toys.
o M. Zuckerberg and E. Musk trade insults after argument about whether AI could kill us all.

Writing and speaking:
 summarizing a text, writing about its content
 talking about advantages and disadvantages
 expressing one's own opinions on the topics of the unit
 write some notes about each article analysed in class. Focus on the following points: possible
uses of AI (or robots); aims of the creators of AI (or robots); positive aspects of AI (or robots);
negative aspects of AI (or robots); some famous people's point of view
 answering questions: What do we mean by AI? Why is AI being developed? In what fields
could AI be useful? To what extent could AI be an advantage for humankind? How could AI
affect your life? Could AI be dangerous? Why? What is your point of view on AI? What are the
pros and cons of AI? What are the advantages and the drawbacks brought about by AI?


Inglese per Informatica - modulo 3 di V


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