Inglese per Informatica - modulo 2 di V

Ambiti lessicali: environmental problems, greenhouse effect, green energy

Testi e materiali multimediali:
Environmental Problems (jigsaw reading)
Green Energy
Wind Power
TED Videos ( (renewable energy, solar energy, geothermal energy, wind power,
nuclear power, wave power)
BBC Video “Green is Great” – Transcript

Writing and speaking:
 answering questions
 summarizing a text, writing about its content
 describing, talking about facts
 talking about advantages and disadvantages
 expressing one's own opinions on the topics of the unit
 write a short passage on a type of renewable energy of your choice (simply describe how it
works, what are its advantages and/or disadvantages, how it is used/it could be used).
 Talk about a type of renewable energy of your choice (simply describe how it works, what are
its advantages and/or disadvantages, how it is used/it could be used).


Inglese per Informatica - modulo 2 di V


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