Inglese per Informatica - modulo 1 di V

 ripasso dei principali tempi verbali (present simple; present continuous; past simple; past
continuous; present perfect; future tenses: present continuous, be going to, will)
 the passive voice
 defining relative clauses, who, which, where, when
 conditional sentences: 0 conditional, 1st conditional
Ambiti lessicali: innovation, inventions, technology, the Internet
Testi e materiali multimediali:
 British Innovation in Transport
 Innovation is Great (video script)
 Kamchatka Project
 Invention for the Eyes
 LED Lightning
 Biomimetics: Designs from Nature
 ascolti e video dai siti “British Council”; “BBC”; “ed.TED”; dal testo “Life – pre-intermediate”
sugli argomenti: Innovation; “a conversation between two explorers” (about GPS); “the grass
phone”; “plant energy”

Speaking: esercitazioni di ripasso di alcuni ambiti lessicali e di applicazione di strutture
grammaticali studiate nelle UdA del secondo periodo; produzione orale relativa ai contenuti della
UdA (riassumere, sintetizzare, esporre i contenuti di un testo, esprimere opinioni, previsioni)
Documento Classe 5^ Serale Elettronica/Automazione a.s. 2017-18

 write a summary of the text “British Innovation in Transport”
 analisi della struttura di un testo scritto, connettori, contenuto e struttura dei paragrafi. Analisi
di tre tipologie di testo: blog “My favourite photo” (testo personale); giving your opinion “The
weekend: the good side, the bad side”; a short opinion essay “There is too much football on
TV. Do you agree?”; an article for a magazine “Living without a TV”.
 Write a short passage “Mobile phones – a great invention?”
 What does the word "innovation" mean to you? What invention do you think has had the
biggest impact on our lives so far? Choose your favourite invention and prepare a short
presentation about it. (Consider: who was responsible for the innovation, when and where it
happened, why it was innovative, possible benefits of the innovation, possible negative effects
of the innovation, how the innovation has changed / will change people's lives and the world.)


Inglese per Informatica - modulo 1 di V


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